Summary notes:
- Boundaries in society are 'socially constructed' by attitudes, values and the norms of behaviour
- This social constructionist view gives the media a significant position- the media articulate current dominant perceptions. At the same time they are involved in shaping and re-shaping these perceptions.
- Dick Hebdige says, 'to understand youth sub-cultures we have to take into account ...the mass media structure the way society is percieved.' (i.e the mass media mediate the perceptions)
- Harry Hendrick says, biological changes led to extremes of emotion, unpredictability, anti-social behaviour, quarrelsomeness.
Stanley Hall-extract/ ideas-
- adolescents were seen as potentially dangerous, ready to go on a rampage.....
- ...led to many youth clubs developing and ways must be found to 'keep them off the streets'
- music hall and cinema offered them to go 'astray'
- "folk devils and moral panics"- 'youth' seen as the need to create news.
Geoffrey Pearson in Hooligan 1983-
- always referred to a time 20years ago when there was a golden generation of perfectly behaved youths and society.
- image of youth as an index oof concern about social change.
- "most authors see media repres. of teenagers as linked to the economic and social change"
Hall-'Policing the Crisis'
- moral panics present a fabricated opportunity to control culture and increase and exercise its power, to stem the oppositions to the norm.
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